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  • Freedoms Wings International - Soaring For People With Disabilities

  • About Freedoms Wings International Soaring For People With Disabilities

    soaring for the disabled

    Freedom's Wings International (FWI) is a non-profit organization run by and for people with physical disabilities. We provide the opportunity for those who are physically challenged to fly in specially adapted sailplanes, either as a passenger or as a member of the flight training program.  

    The purpose of Freedom's Wings International is to bring the world of soaring to disabled persons by:

    • Introducing persons with disabilities to the soaring experience
    • Teaching qualified persons with disabilities to soar
    • Providing facilities for soaring to those persons with disabilities able to soar
    • Providing training for instructors, ground crew, and flying students
    • Providing a non-profit educational and fraternal organization
    • Serving as a resource and model for other organizations with similar intent

    FWI works closely with local and national organizations for people with physical disabilities and encourages organizations to learn more about our programs.

  • Freedoms Wings Disable Soaring Intro Video

  • 1-(848) 227-1957
    Freedom's Wings International Inc.
    51 Tulip St.
    Summit, NJ 07901
  • Freedoms Wings International (FWI) Is A Non-Profit Run By And For People With Physical Disabilities

    We provide the opportunity for those who are physically challenged to fly in specially adapted sailplanes, either as a passanger, or as part of our flight training team. Download our brochure.

  • Freedoms Wings Disabled Soaring Photos

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  • Upcoming Events

  • Get Your Wings

    With Freedom's Wings you can take a ride in one of our sailplanes or Learn to Fly with one of our flight instructors certified by the FAA. Freedoms Wings provides all the instruction and plane use free of charge.

    You will be given all the glider flight training you need to fly the plane safely, progress to solo, glider pilots rating, cross country and competition soaring, through commercial rating and CFIG, As a Certified Flight Instructor-Glider you will able to teach others the gift of soaring flight!

    We invite you to take it as far and as high as you desire.

    Learn More >

  • Support our work

    FWI depends entirely upon the generosity of our members and the organizations and friends who support our activities

    There are many ways that you can help.

    FWI has many volunteer opportunities throughout the year, able bodied volunteers often get a chance to fly.

    FWI a disabled aviation organization, relies on donors like you. Your donations help ensure we can continue bringing the gift of silent flight to the disability community.

    Volunteer | Donate

  • Experiences Flying With Freedoms Wings

    Kris Lapinski

    Wave Soaring

    To meet all requirements for my instructor check ride I had to receive my spin training.  Thanks to my instructor, Bruce Brown we scheduled this training on Wednesday 10/24/18. It was windy day with gust up to 30 knots. Birds of Paradise management who provides tows was surprised that we still wanted fly in this kind of condition but me and Bruce flew in similar, challenging winds before in Blairstown. We released at 5000' above the clouds and prepared for spin practice. Bruce activated...

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    kary wright

    What Soaring Is To Me

    Imagine that you are free as a bird. You are a mile high, silently circling on a beautiful clear spring day, gaining altitude every turn. Slightly below you there is another sleek engineless aircraft taking advantage of the same thermal (a pocket of rising air). You gently move the joystick left and right, banking the aircraft to try to hit the centre of the rising air. You glance at the instruments being mindful of airspeed, rate of climb, and the other glider. The more altitude we gain...

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  • 1-(848) 227-1957 Freedom's Wings International Inc. 51 Tulip St.  Summit, NJ 07901 Email Us

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