
Freedom’s Wings depends on your support!

Please consider a donation to Freedom’s Wings. All money raised goes directly to glider maintenance, offering introductory flights, flight training and events.

Introductory Flights

We offer introductory flights for people with disabilities. It can often be a life-changing experience! Your donations provide for tows and other flying necessities.

Flight Training Program

Some participants want to take flying a step further and work towards their glider pilot’s license, guided by our volunteer instructors. Your donations provide essential tows.

Glider Maintenance

It’s not cheap to maintain and store our gliders. Your generous donations go towards regular maintenance, tie-down fees and other important services.

Special Events

FWI is an organization run by and for those with physical disabilities. There is community in our camaraderie! Your generosity helps with picnics, outings and other social events.

Why Donate to FWI?

We know you work hard for your money. You can be sure that 100% of your donation to Freedom’s Wings goes directly to our programs:

Memorable Experiences: Introductory Flights
Events: Picnics, Fun Competitions, Outings to Other Airports
Training: Help fund scholarships for our Flight Training Program

Would You Like to Volunteer?

Freedom’s Wings needs able-body volunteers to make our efforts work. We really can’t do it without you. Here are examples of our needs:

Airfield: Volunteers help participants get in and out of the gliders
Events & Outings: Volunteers can help us with social events
Maintenance: Help with assembling, disassembling sailplanes